Montauk Point Lighthouse, located in Montauk NY, is a historical
landmark that has withstood the test of time. Built in 1796, it stands
as one of the oldest lighthouses in the United States and continues to
serve as an important navigational aid for mariners today.
Its location at the easternmost point on Long Island has made it a
must-see destination for tourists who come from all over the world to
take in its breathtaking views.
As a research analyst studying the history and significance of Montauk
Point Lighthouse, I have delved deep into its past to uncover
fascinating stories about this iconic structure. From tales of
shipwrecks and rescues to its role during World War II, there is no
shortage of intriguing facts surrounding this beacon of light.
Whether you are interested in maritime history or simply appreciate
stunning architecture, Montauk Point Lighthouse offers something for
everyone seeking mastery over their knowledge of American landmarks.
The Early Days Of Montauk Point Lighthouse
The Montauk Point Lighthouse, located in the eastern end of Long Island,
has a historical significance that dates back to the early 18th century.
It was built as a navigational aid for ships navigating through the
treacherous waters off the coast of New York.
The lighthouse’s construction began in 1792 and was completed two years
later with its first lighting on November 5, 1796. During these early
days, life at the lighthouse was challenging due to its remote location
and lack of modern amenities.
The keepers had to endure harsh weather conditions throughout their
tenure while attending to their duties diligently. Despite these
difficulties, they were dedicated to ensuring that the light remained
illuminated throughout the night, enabling mariners to navigate safely
around Montauk point.
Today, the Montauk Point Lighthouse stands tall as one of America’s most
iconic landmarks and is visited by thousands of tourists each year. Its
rich history serves as an inspiration for many who seek adventure and
mastery over their surroundings.
In this report, we shall delve deeper into the construction process
behind this magnificent structure, exploring every detail from inception
to completion.
The Construction Of The Lighthouse
Despite the challenges faced in Montauk Point Lighthouse’s early days,
its construction process became a significant turning point for this
In 1792, when President George Washington authorized the approval of
building this lighthouse, it marked an important moment in American
history. The Montauk Point Lighthouse was one of the first public
structures built by the United States government.
The architectural design of Montauk Point Lighthouse is considered to be
a masterpiece due to its simplicity and effectiveness. The tower
measures over 100 feet tall with walls that are five feet thick at the
base tapering off towards the top. The lighthouse had two additional
floors above ground level which housed living quarters for the
lightkeepers’ families.
Montauk Point Lighthouse has played an essential role in navigation
since its construction. It served as a beacon of hope for sailors
navigating through treacherous waters along Long Island’s eastern
shorelines. Its bright light could be seen from twenty miles out to sea
on clear nights, providing reassurance to those who may have otherwise
been lost at sea.
Today, visitors can come and see firsthand how this historical structure
has helped shape America’s maritime culture over time.
The Role Of The Lighthouse In Navigation
The Montauk Point Lighthouse has played a crucial role in navigation for
over two centuries. Located at the easternmost point of Long Island, New
York, it is one of the oldest lighthouses in America and continues to
operate today as an aid to navigation.
The importance of lighthouses lies in their ability to guide ships
safely through treacherous waters and prevent shipwrecks. The technology
used in lighthouses has evolved considerably since the first lighthouse
was built on this site in 1796.
Initially, fires were lit atop towers to produce light that sailors
could use as a reference point while navigating. Over time, this method
was replaced by more sophisticated lighting systems such as Fresnel
lenses and electric lamps. These advancements helped increase visibility
range and accuracy while reducing maintenance requirements.
In conclusion, the Montauk Point Lighthouse has been instrumental in
guiding mariners through dangerous waters for centuries. Its
significance cannot be overstated when considering its impact on
maritime safety and commerce.
As we delve further into understanding the role of the lighthouse, it
becomes evident how important advances in technology have been towards
improving navigational aids like those seen at Montauk Point Lighthouse.
In the next section, we will examine the keepers of the light who were
responsible for maintaining these vital structures throughout history.
The Keepers Of The Light
Despite the technological advances in modern times, lighthouses continue
to play a significant role in maritime safety. The Montauk Point
Lighthouse is no exception as it has been an important landmark for
mariners since 1796. To ensure that the light was always shining
brightly, dedicated keepers were appointed by the federal government to
maintain and operate the lighthouse.
Being a keeper of the light was not an easy job. Keepers faced numerous
life challenges such as isolation from society, harsh weather
conditions, and dangerous work environments. They had to be physically
fit and mentally strong to carry out their duties effectively.
In addition to maintaining the light itself, they also had other daily
routines such as keeping records of passing ships, cleaning lenses and
reflectors, painting structures, and assisting with rescues when
Despite these challenges, many keepers felt honored to perform their
duties at Montauk Point Lighthouse. Some even passed down their
positions through generations of family members. Their dedication helped
make sure that sailors safely navigated around this rocky point along
Long Island’s eastern shore for centuries to come.
As we reflect on the historical significance of Montauk Point
Lighthouse, it is clear that its importance extends beyond just being a
beacon of light for sailors at sea. The keepers who manned this iconic
structure played an integral role in ensuring safe passage for thousands
of individuals over time. Their stories serve as a reminder of the
bravery and commitment needed to protect lives at sea.
Now let us delve into some notable shipwrecks and rescues near Montauk
Point Lighthouse throughout history.
Shipwrecks And Rescues
Shipwreck tales and heroic rescues are an integral part of the history
of Montauk Point Lighthouse. Situated on one of the most treacherous
stretches of coastline in North America, this lighthouse has witnessed
numerous maritime disasters over the centuries.
One such incident was the sinking of the HMS Culloden in 1781, which led
to a dramatic rescue mission by local fishermen that saved more than 700
British soldiers. Another famous shipwreck at Montauk Point was that of
the SS Oregon in 1886. This steamship ran aground during a storm while
carrying more than 800 passengers and crew members.
Thanks to the efforts of nearby life-saving stations and civilian
volunteers, all but six people were rescued from the wreck. The heroism
displayed during this event earned several individuals medals for their
bravery. The legacy of these shipwreck tales and heroic rescues is still
felt today at Montauk Point Lighthouse.
Visitors can learn about these events through exhibits and guided tours,
gaining insight into both the dangers faced by sailors along this coast
as well as the courage demonstrated by those who risked their lives to
save others. In light of such inspiring stories, it is no wonder that so
many have been drawn to explore this historic site throughout its long
and storied past.
As we delve further into Montauk Point Lighthouse’s rich history, it
becomes clear that its significance extends far beyond just being a
beacon for mariners. During times of war, this iconic structure played a
vital role in safeguarding American interests against foreign threats.
From serving as a lookout station for potential enemy vessels during
World War I to assisting with submarine detection efforts during World
War II, the lighthouse proved itself time and again as an invaluable
asset to national security. Understanding how it fulfilled these
important functions sheds new light on our understanding of its enduring
importance within both naval and historical contexts alike.
The Lighthouse During The Civil War
Montauk Point Lighthouse was an important navigational point for ships
during the Civil War. It was occupied by both Union and Confederate
troops as a part of their military strategy.
The Lighthouse was reinforced with additional walls, sandbags and a
large bombproof shelter to protect it from damage. This ensured that the
Lighthouse still functioned to provide a beacon of safety and guidance
to all ships in the area, regardless of their allegiance.
Military Occupation
The military history of Montauk Point Lighthouse during the Civil War is
a topic that evokes curiosity and interest. The lighthouse played an
important role in American history due to its strategic importance for
navigation purposes, as it was located near the entrance of Long Island
During this period, the U.S government occupied the lighthouse and used
it as a lookout post for Confederate ships. The occupation of Montauk
Point Lighthouse by Union soldiers had significant implications for both
the North and South armies. The lighthouse served as a vital source of
information on enemy movements along the coast, enabling Union troops to
anticipate Confederate attacks more effectively.
Furthermore, possessing control over Montauk Point gave Union forces
command over access points into New York City’s harbor – one of
America’s largest ports at that time. In conclusion, understanding the
military significance of Montauk Point Lighthouse during the Civil War
provides valuable insights into how geographical locations can impact
war strategies.
Military occupations such as this demonstrate how crucial sites like
this were essential assets in determining victory or defeat during armed
conflicts. Even today, we continue to appreciate these historic
landmarks’ contributions to our country’s development and growth
throughout various eras.
Lighthouse Protection
The role of the Montauk Point Lighthouse during the Civil War extends
beyond its military significance. As a historic landmark, it required
maintenance to ensure that its structure remained intact and functional.
During this period, lighthouse keepers were responsible for maintaining
the lighthouse’s lantern room, cleaning lenses, trimming wicks, and
ensuring that the facility had adequate fuel supplies.
In addition to lighthouse maintenance concerns, protecting it from
coastal erosion proved challenging as well. The location of Montauk
Point made it vulnerable to storms and tidal surges that could erode the
shoreline and threaten the stability of the lighthouse’s foundation.
To address these issues, engineers constructed seawalls around the base
of the structure in an attempt to mitigate potential damage caused by
natural elements.
Lighthouse protection efforts may not have been at the forefront of
military strategy discussions; however, they played a crucial role in
ensuring that this vital navigational aid remained operational
throughout the war.
By providing guidance for ships navigating Long Island Sound waters
while sustaining minimal structural damages due to environmental factors
such as coastal erosion and severe weather conditions was essential for
successful military operations within New York City harbor.
The Lighthouse During World War Ii
During World War II, the Montauk Point Lighthouse played an important
role in coastal defense. The lighthouse was strategically located near
the coast and served as a lookout post to detect any enemy ships
approaching the shore.
In 1941, just before America’s entry into the war, the United States
Coast Guard took over control of the lighthouse from its civilian
The impact of World War II on the Montauk Point Lighthouse was
significant. The Coast Guard installed powerful searchlights at the top
of the tower to aid in nighttime surveillance. Additionally, they
erected barbed wire fences around the property and stationed armed
guards to ensure that no unauthorized personnel could enter or leave
without clearance. These measures remained in place until after the end
of the war.
Despite being under military control during World War II, the Montauk
Point Lighthouse continued to operate as a navigational aid for vessels
sailing along Long Island Sound. Its importance as a landmark only
increased due to its crucial location near strategic naval bases such as
New London and Groton.
As we move forward into modern times, it is important to understand how
this historic structure has evolved over time and continues to play a
vital role in maritime navigation today.
Three notable events that occurred during WWII involving Montauk Point
- The installation of powerful searchlights atop the tower by Coast
Guard officials. - Erecting barbed wire fences around properties with armed military
guards protecting against unauthorized access. - The critical function performed by Montauk Point Lighthouse
regarding strategic naval base locations such as New London and
Groton became more relevant than ever before.
With its invaluable contribution towards both coastal defense and
navigation throughout history, Montauk Point Lighthouse remains an
integral part of our national heritage even today.
The Modern Era Of Montauk Point Lighthouse
The Montauk Point Lighthouse is a beacon of hope and the guiding light
for many visitors. Like an enduring symbol, it has stood the test of
time as a testament to human ingenuity and resilience.
The modern era of Montauk Point Lighthouse marks its transformation into
a tourist destination beyond just being a navigational aid. Today,
visitors can enjoy modern amenities while soaking in the history that
surrounds this iconic landmark. With events and activities happening all
year round, there’s always something new to explore at the lighthouse.
It’s easy to get lost in time while walking through the museum or
climbing up the spiral staircase leading to the top.
The modern era of Montauk Point Lighthouse represents not only its
evolution but also its continued relevance in society today. As we look
towards the future, one thing remains certain – this beacon of hope will
continue to shine bright for generations to come.
Transitioning seamlessly from the past into present-day reality, Montauk
Point Lighthouse stands tall with pride as both locals and tourists
flock to experience what it has become today. Let us now take a step
forward and delve deeper into understanding how this historic icon
continues to remain relevant even after centuries since its inception.
Montauk Point Lighthouse Today
Montauk Point Lighthouse is located in Montauk, New York and is one of
the oldest lighthouses in the United States. It has a long and varied
history, having been built in 1797 and rebuilt many times since.
This lighthouse is still in operation today and offers guided tours of
the property and the grounds. Visitors to the lighthouse can learn about
the rich history of the structure and the surrounding area, as well as
the current operations of the lighthouse.
Montauk Point Lighthouse is a historical landmark that stands tall on
the easternmost point of Long Island, New York. Its construction dates
back to 1792 and was commissioned by George Washington himself.
The lighthouse’s historical significance lies in its role as one of the
oldest active lighthouses in America, guiding mariners safely through
treacherous waters for over two centuries. The cultural impact of
Montauk Point Lighthouse extends beyond maritime history; it has become
an iconic symbol of Long Island’s identity.
Tourists from all over the world flock to visit this beacon of light
overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, marveling at its beauty and elegance.
Over time, various events have been hosted at the site such as weddings
and concerts making it a popular destination not just for tourists but
locals too.
Despite being automated since 1987, Montauk Point Lighthouse still
remains an important part of American nautical history today. This
beloved structure serves as a reminder of our nation’s seafaring past,
while also providing insight into how technology has evolved over time
to make navigation safer for ships travelling along the coastlines.
It continues to exert its influence both locally and globally with
visitors coming from far and wide to experience firsthand its rich
cultural heritage and profound historical significance.
Guided tours of the Montauk Point Lighthouse are available to tourists
throughout the year, giving them an opportunity to explore this
remarkable structure up close. Visitors can learn about the lighthouse’s
history and its significance as a beacon of light that has guided
countless ships to safety over the years.
Guided tours offer a unique perspective on this iconic landmark while
providing an excellent educational experience for all ages.
For those who cannot visit in person, virtual tours are also available
online. These immersive experiences allow visitors to explore every nook
and cranny of the lighthouse from the comfort of their own homes. The
360-degree views provide stunning panoramic vistas that showcase the
beauty of Montauk Point and its surrounding area.
This is especially useful for individuals who may not have easy access
to Long Island but still want to learn more about this historical site.
Overall, whether you choose to take a guided tour or participate in a
virtual one, exploring Montauk Point Lighthouse is an unforgettable
experience that offers insight into America’s maritime history.
Each tour provides a distinct perspective on this beloved landmark,
revealing new details about its construction, cultural impact, and
continued relevance today.
So why not plan your visit or log onto our website now? You won’t be
The Architecture Of Montauk Point Lighthouse
The Architecture of Montauk Point Lighthouse is a masterpiece that
stands tall and proud in the heart of New York. Built-in 1796, it has
been serving as an iconic landmark to sailors for over two centuries.
The lighthouse’s design elements are inspired by classical Greek
architecture with its columnar style, square tower, and lantern room on
The building materials used for constructing this magnificent structure
were locally sourced from the surrounding area. The stones used for the
foundation were quarried from nearby Connecticut while the granite
blocks used for construction came from Maine. These high-quality
materials have allowed the lighthouse to withstand harsh weather
conditions and remain standing today.
The attention to detail in designing and constructing Montauk Point
Lighthouse is impressive. From its sturdy base to its elegant lantern
room at the top, every aspect of this structure was carefully thought
out and executed flawlessly. The architectural features and building
materials make it not only functional but also beautiful to look at. Its
timeless design continues to captivate visitors even after all these
As we delve into understanding the beauty of Montauk Point Lighthouse,
it’s essential to recognize how well integrated it is into its
surroundings. This historical site sits atop a cliff overlooking
sweeping views of the Atlantic Ocean on one side and lush greenery on
another side.
In our next section, we will explore further how Montauk Point
Lighthouse interacts with its environment through analyzing the
surrounding landscape around it.
The Surrounding Landscape
Despite its impressive architecture, the Montauk Point Lighthouse is not
immune to the effects of coastal erosion. The lighthouse sits on a rocky
outcropping that has been slowly eroding over time due to wind and wave
action. In fact, in 1967, the lighthouse was moved back from its
original location because it was in danger of toppling into the sea.
Despite this ongoing threat, the surrounding landscape remains a vital
wildlife habitat. The rocky shoreline provides an ideal environment for
many species of seabirds and marine mammals. Visitors can often spot
seals basking on nearby rocks or catch glimpses of ospreys hunting for
fish in the waters below.
Overall, while visitors come to admire the lighthouse’s beauty and
history, they are also treated to stunning views of nature at work.
From observing local wildlife to witnessing the power of coastal erosion
firsthand, a visit to Montauk Point Lighthouse offers much more than
just a glimpse into the past- it is an opportunity to engage with
dynamic natural systems that continue to shape our world today.
The Visitor Experience
The visitor experience at Montauk Point Lighthouse is one that offers a
unique blend of history and natural beauty.
Visitors can explore the lighthouse itself, which has been in operation
since 1796 and still functions as an active aid to navigation. The
surrounding grounds offer stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean, with
ample opportunities for hiking and picnicking.
In addition to the historical significance of the lighthouse, visitors
can also enjoy modern amenities such as a gift shop, museum exhibits,
and guided tours.
These offerings provide insight into both the past and present
importance of this landmark on Long Island’s easternmost point.
Additionally, seasonal events throughout the year offer even more
reasons to visit, from holiday celebrations to summer concerts.
Whether you’re interested in learning about maritime history or simply
looking for a beautiful place to spend a day outdoors, Montauk Point
Lighthouse provides something for everyone.
With its combination of natural beauty and cultural significance, it is
truly a must-see destination on Long Island.
As we delve deeper into stories and legends associated with this iconic
site, we will gain further appreciation for all that it has to offer
visitors today.
Stories And Legends Of Montauk Point Lighthouse
Ironically, one of the most famous landmarks in Montauk Point is not
only known for its historical significance and breathtaking views but
also for the numerous ghost stories and supernatural occurrences that
have been reported throughout the years. The Montauk Point Lighthouse
has become a hub for paranormal enthusiasts who seek to experience
something beyond the realm of science.
One such story involves a young girl named Abigail who was said to have
fallen down the lighthouse stairs and died instantly. Visitors claim
that they can still hear her footsteps running up and down the stairs,
as if she were trying to relive her final moments.
Another eerie tale revolves around a former lighthouse keeper named
Jacob Hulse, who allegedly haunts the property to this day. It’s
believed that his spirit roams around the tower during stormy nights,
warning ships of impending danger by ringing the bell even though it
hasn’t worked since 1987.
Some visitors report feeling an inexplicable cold breeze or hearing
strange noises coming from nowhere while exploring different parts of
the lighthouse grounds – phenomena that cannot be explained through
rational means.
Despite these spooky legends, preservation efforts continue to maintain
and protect this iconic landmark so that future generations may enjoy
its rich history and stunning beauty.
Preservation Efforts
The Montauk Point Lighthouse is a historic and iconic landmark located
in Montauk, NY. The lighthouse has played an important role in the
maritime history of Long Island since its construction in 1796.
Over time, this structure has become a symbol of hope for sailors
seeking safe passage through treacherous waters. As with any historical
site, preservation challenges have arisen over the years.
One such challenge was damage caused by natural disasters like
hurricanes and nor’easters that threatened to destroy the lighthouse.
However, dedicated efforts from various organizations helped save the
lighthouse from destruction.
These preservation efforts ensured that future generations could
continue to appreciate and learn about this significant piece of
American history. The Montauk Point Lighthouse’s historical significance
cannot be overstated.
It served as a navigational aid to mariners for centuries and witnessed
numerous events throughout history. Today, it stands tall as a testament
to our country’s rich maritime heritage and continues to attract
visitors from all over the world who wish to experience its enduring
legacy firsthand.
Conclusion: The Enduring Legacy Of Montauk Point Lighthouse
The Montauk Point Lighthouse has an enduring impact on the cultural
significance of New York State. It represents a time when lighthouses
were essential in guiding ships safely through treacherous waters.
The construction of the lighthouse also marks an important period in
American history, as it was built during the presidency of George
The legacy of this iconic landmark is not just limited to its historical
importance, but it also serves as a beacon for visitors from all over
the world who come to admire its beauty and appreciate its architectural
design. Its location at the tip of Long Island provides stunning views
of both sunrise and sunset, making it one of the most visited
destinations in New York.
In conclusion, the Montauk Point Lighthouse remains an integral part of
New York’s heritage, standing tall as a testament to human ingenuity and
As we continue to preserve and protect this structure for future
generations, we ensure that its cultural significance will endure for
many years to come.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are There Any Ghosts Or Paranormal Activity Associated With Montauk Point Lighthouse?
Ghost sightings and local legends are often associated with historical
landmarks, such as the Montauk Point Lighthouse in New York.
As a research analyst of this iconic lighthouse, it is important to
present objective findings on paranormal activities reported by visitors
and locals alike.
Despite several claims of ghost sightings in the past, there has been no
concrete evidence to support these allegations. However, some believe
that the spirits of former keepers and their families still linger
around the premises due to tragic events that occurred during its
It is worth noting that while personal experiences cannot be discounted,
further investigation is needed before concluding any supernatural ties
to this historic site.
Can Visitors Climb To The Top Of The Lighthouse?
Visitors to the Montauk Point Lighthouse are in for a treat as they have
the opportunity to climb up to the top of this iconic landmark. Climbing
up the 137 iron steps will reward visitors with breathtaking scenic
views of the surrounding area, including the Atlantic Ocean and Block
Island Sound.
The lighthouse has historical significance as it was first constructed
in 1796 and is one of America’s oldest lighthouses that still stands
today. It played an important role in guiding ships through treacherous
waters during World War II.
Visitors can learn about its rich history by exploring exhibits inside
the lighthouse museum before or after their climb to the top. Overall,
climbing to the top of Montauk Point Lighthouse is a must-do activity
when visiting this iconic location on Long Island’s easternmost point.
Is The Lighthouse Open Year-Round?
As the seasons change, so does the seasonal schedule of Montauk Point
Lighthouse. Tour availability is subject to changes in opening hours and
restrictions due to weather conditions or maintenance work required on
site. It is important for visitors to check the website or call ahead to
confirm tour times before visiting.
As a research analyst tasked with monitoring visitor numbers and trends
at the lighthouse, it is clear that many tourists have an innate desire
for mastery over their travel experiences. By providing up-to-date
information regarding tour availability, we can assist them in achieving
this goal while ensuring they have a safe and enjoyable visit.
Using figurative language such as metaphors can help draw readers into
our findings by painting vivid mental images of what it’s like to
experience Montauk Point Lighthouse during various seasons.
What Is The Significance Of The Red Color On The Tower Of The Lighthouse?
The red color on the tower of a lighthouse holds symbolic meaning and
historical significance.
The bright hue has traditionally been used to distinguish navigational
aids from other structures, making them more visible to sailors at sea.
Additionally, in some cultures, red is believed to ward off evil spirits
and provide protection for those who are traveling by boat.
Historically, lighthouses were crucial for maritime safety as they
enabled ships to navigate safely through rocky waters and avoid
dangerous reefs or shorelines.
Thus, the use of red paint on the tower of Montauk Point Lighthouse
likely served both practical and mystical purposes during its operation.
Has Montauk Point Lighthouse Ever Been Featured In Films Or Television Shows?
Filming locations have always been an essential aspect of movies and
television shows. They add a layer of authenticity to the onscreen
narrative, which effectively immerses the audience into the world
created by filmmakers.
As such, cultural impact is also an important consideration when it
comes to selecting filming locations. In this regard, Montauk Point
Lighthouse has played a significant role in several films and TV shows
due to its breathtaking scenery and historical significance.
From blockbuster hits like ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’ to
popular series like ‘The Affair,’ Montauk Point Lighthouse has made
appearances that further cemented its place as one of the most iconic
landmarks in New York. Its inclusion in these productions serves as a
testament to its enduring appeal beyond being merely a tourist
Montauk Point Lighthouse, located in Montauk, NY, has a rich history and
many interesting facts associated with it. One of the most intriguing
questions asked about this lighthouse is whether or not there are any
ghosts or paranormal activity present on its premises. While some
visitors claim to have had supernatural experiences at the site, no
concrete evidence exists that supports these claims.
Visitors to Montauk Point Lighthouse can climb up to the top of the
tower for a stunning view of the surrounding area. However, those who
choose to do so should be aware that climbing is only permitted during
specific hours of operation. The lighthouse itself is open year-round
and offers guided tours for interested parties.
The significance of the red color seen on the tower of Montauk Point
Lighthouse lies in its function as an aid to navigation. In times past,
sailors used visual cues such as colors and shapes to guide them safely
through treacherous waters. The bright red hue acted as a warning signal
indicating dangerous shoals or rocky terrain ahead.
One famous example of Montauk Point Lighthouse appearing in popular
culture comes from the 2004 film ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless
Mind.’ In one scene, Jim Carrey’s character stands atop the lighthouse
gazing out over the ocean while contemplating his life choices. This
iconic moment serves as a testament to both the beauty and historic
importance of this beloved landmark.
Overall, Montauk Point Lighthouse remains an important part of New York
State’s cultural heritage and attracts thousands of visitors each year
seeking glimpses into our nation’s maritime past. Its continued
preservation ensures future generations will have access to this
fascinating piece of American history for years to come.
Driving directions from Newhouse Restoration to Montauk Point Lighthouse in Montauk NY
Venture over to this nearby local gem